Last week, many Christian MPs stood up against the ICPD meeting in Nairobi and its agenda. CAMPSSI did its best to attract media attention and swing the mood of the government on the same. Abroad, the Nairobi meeting did not receive the media coverage the previous conference, Cairo 1994, got. The Vatican’s firm stand was supported by other countries. The ICPD’s participants certainly felt the pressure. They produced a document: how important will it be? Will many countries sign it? The future will tell.

On our side, we can reflect on what happened and make some remarks:

We have seen that when a small group of people raise their voices many things can happen. The Christian groups that participated in the side events were not large in size, but certainly their voice was amplified by the values they supported. There is a lesson here about CAMPSSI ability to swing the will of Kenya legislators when it comes to human and religious values. Itis possible to write proper legislation and gather by-partisan support when fundamental choices are at stake.

Our local church did not shine. We saw how ill prepared were some of our leaders and their staff. This is not a motive of pride for us. We should, then, suggests the bishops’ conference some choices to finally work together for the common good. Too often we see an unclear relationship with the leader of our church, also because there are people in between who poison the rapport. In recent personal meetings with local bishops, I could gauge how there is a feeling of uneasiness from both sides. We should find the way to clear the clutter and have an honest conversation.

Local parishes were not aware of what was happening. This is quite common, as people are busy with their lives and many important events simply go over them without them being aware of their existence. This has something to say about our relationship with local communities. Is there a way that CAMPSSI can open a channel of communication with Kenyans, a channel that would be by-partisan and makes them aware of important issues touching their lives?

These are simple suggestions and provocations. Perhaps they could be explored in the next school of politics.

Rev.Fr.Dr. Giuseppe Caramazza, MCCJ DVC-Tangaza University College

Saint Thomas More, Patron Saint of Political Leaders; Pray For Us

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